TSI (Texas Success Initiative)



If you think you have a TSI exemption, please go here 查看可接受的豁免和豁免清单,您可以提交代替采取 the TSI assessment.




Not sure what will be on the TSI, and want to prepare? Try our TSI Study Resources Page.


Sign up to take the TSI

  1. Apply to Collin


    Skip to Step 2 if you have already completed your application.

    Click here to apply
  2. Take the Mandatory Pre-Assessment

    预评估活动的目的是帮助您了解评估的重要性 TSI Assessment. 它包括样题和反馈,将采取大约 30 minutes to complete. 



    1. 阅读所有说明,然后点击蓝色按钮链接进入PAA网站.
    2. Click on the "Don't have an account? Sign-up" link.

    3. Use your Collin College CWID number for the Student ID.
    4. 请输入您在申请火博体育官网时填写的姓和名.
    5. Enter your date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy).
    6. Use a personal email address, not a school email.
    7. 选择“柯林书院社区书院区”作为院校名称.
    一旦您的帐户设置完成,您将被带到练习测试区. Take the test titled "Texas Success Initiative 2.0 Pre-Assessment Activity (TSIA2 – PAA).你必须完成整个活动才能获得结业证书 as complete.



    您可以将结业证书附在TSI注册证书上,或打印您的结业证书 完成证书或登录您的Accuplacer实践帐户以出示副本 当你来预约时,把它交给测试中心的工作人员.

    Click here to take the Pre-Assessment Activity
  3. Option 1 - Test In-Person

    在我们的每个校园测试中心都可以进行现场测试. The cost to take the TSI on campus is $29. 点击下面的校园安排你的考试和支付你的评估. On average, the complete TSI can take 4-5 hours to complete. Be sure you plan accordingly when scheduling your exam.

    Allen Technical Campus
    Celina Campus
    Farmersville Campus
    Frisco Campus
    McKinney Campus
    Plano Campus
    Wylie Campus
    Directions to Our Testing Centers
  4. Option 2 - Test Remotely

    Online/Remote Testing Requirements:

    • -通过名为ProctorU的虚拟测试平台提供在线测试.
        • -您将被要求注册一个ProctorU帐户(在收到凭证后).
    • - A desktop or laptop computer (no Chromebooks or tablets).
    • - A webcam and microphone.
    • - A stable internet connection.
    • -一个安静的空间,你可以在不受打扰的情况下测试,独自一人在房间里.
    • —使用虚拟测试选项时允许15分钟的休息时间.
    • - Be able to sit for 5 or more hours to complete the assessment.
    • - Have an acceptable form of photo identification.

    如果你不能满足这些要求,请计划一次完成你的评估 of our campus testing centers listed in Step 3 - Option 1.



    The base cost is $40.


    Additional Costs: 如果您想在收到您的考试成绩后72小时内预约考试 凭单,您将负责直接支付给ProctorU的额外费用.


    - Before 72 hours = an additional $5.00
    - Before 24 hours = an additional $8.00


    To Register:

    • -点击下面的校园,使用相同的个人信息完成您的请求 that is on your ID, and pay for your assessment.
    • - 在最多2个工作日内,您将收到来自Accuplacer的电子邮件.org with your TSI voucher information. 您选择的学校将生成代金券,由ProctorU在线管理.


    Up to Two (2) Business Days After Registering:

    • -请检查您的垃圾/垃圾邮件文件夹,查看您的代金券电子邮件.org.
    • -请确保使用相同的个人信息注册您的ProctorU帐户 that is on your voucher.
    • -通过ProctorU注册考试时,选择**College Board (ACCUPLACER)** as the Institution. (You will later select Collin College as the department).


    如果您需要加快您的测试,您将需要亲自在我们的一个 campus locations. See Step 3 - Option 1 for onsite registration details.

    Allen Technical Campus
    Celina Campus
    Farmersville Campus
    Frisco Campus
    McKinney Campus
    Plano Campus
    Wylie Campus


Skip to Step 2 if you have already completed your application.

Click here to apply

预评估活动的目的是帮助您了解评估的重要性 TSI Assessment. 它包括样题和反馈,将采取大约 30 minutes to complete. 



1. 阅读所有说明,然后点击蓝色按钮链接进入PAA网站.
2. Click on the "Don't have an account? Sign-up" link.

3. Use your Collin College CWID number for the Student ID.
4. 请输入您在申请火博体育官网时填写的姓和名.
5. Enter your date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy).
6. Use a personal email address, not a school email.
7. 选择“柯林书院社区书院区”作为院校名称.
一旦您的帐户设置完成,您将被带到练习测试区. Take the test titled "Texas Success Initiative 2.0 Pre-Assessment Activity (TSIA2 – PAA).你必须完成整个活动才能获得结业证书 as complete.



您可以将结业证书附在TSI注册证书上,或打印您的结业证书 完成证书或登录您的Accuplacer实践帐户以出示副本 当你来预约时,把它交给测试中心的工作人员.

Click here to take the Pre-Assessment Activity

在我们的每个校园测试中心都可以进行现场测试. The cost to take the TSI on campus is $29. 点击下面的校园安排你的考试和支付你的评估. On average, the complete TSI can take 4-5 hours to complete. Be sure you plan accordingly when scheduling your exam.

Allen Technical Campus

Celina Campus

Farmersville Campus

Frisco Campus

McKinney Campus

Plano Campus

Wylie Campus

Directions to Our Testing Centers

Online/Remote Testing Requirements:

  • -通过名为ProctorU的虚拟测试平台提供在线测试.
      • -您将被要求注册一个ProctorU帐户(在收到凭证后).
  • - A desktop or laptop computer (no Chromebooks or tablets).
  • - A webcam and microphone.
  • - A stable internet connection.
  • -一个安静的空间,你可以在不受打扰的情况下测试,独自一人在房间里.
  • —使用虚拟测试选项时允许15分钟的休息时间.
  • - Be able to sit for 5 or more hours to complete the assessment.
  • - Have an acceptable form of photo identification.

如果你不能满足这些要求,请计划一次完成你的评估 of our campus testing centers listed in Step 3 - Option 1.



The base cost is $40.


Additional Costs: 如果您想在收到您的考试成绩后72小时内预约考试 凭单,您将负责直接支付给ProctorU的额外费用.


- Before 72 hours = an additional $5.00
- Before 24 hours = an additional $8.00


To Register:

  • -点击下面的校园,使用相同的个人信息完成您的请求 that is on your ID, and pay for your assessment.
  • - 在最多2个工作日内,您将收到来自Accuplacer的电子邮件.org with your TSI voucher information. 您选择的学校将生成代金券,由ProctorU在线管理.


Up to Two (2) Business Days After Registering:

  • -请检查您的垃圾/垃圾邮件文件夹,查看您的代金券电子邮件.org.
  • -请确保使用相同的个人信息注册您的ProctorU帐户 that is on your voucher.
  • -通过ProctorU注册考试时,选择**College Board (ACCUPLACER)** as the Institution. (You will later select Collin College as the department).


如果您需要加快您的测试,您将需要亲自在我们的一个 campus locations. See Step 3 - Option 1 for onsite registration details.

Allen Technical Campus

Celina Campus

Farmersville Campus

Frisco Campus

McKinney Campus

Plano Campus

Wylie Campus

Additional Information


如果你认为你符合要求,有豁免或弃权,并做 not need to take the TSI, follow these steps:


1. 发送一封电子邮件,在邮件中注明你的全名和CWID号码 (注:请预留2-3个工作日处理您的申请.)

2. Attach unofficial copies of the required documentation as explained on the exemption and waivers page

3. Email this information and documentation to: TSI_info@wfyxwl.com

4. 有关各类豁免及豁免的详情,请参阅以下连结:


TSI Full and Partial Exemptions And Waivers

What is the TSI?


德克萨斯成功倡议评估(TSIA2)是一个旨在确定 如果学生准备好了大学水平的一般英语课程 Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) and Mathematics. The TSIA2 mandates that all new 进入德克萨斯州公立学院和大学的学生将接受基本的评估 阅读/写作和数学技能,除非学生不受 TSI or is otherwise exempted. Based on assessment results, a student may either be 报名参加与他们的技能水平相匹配的大学水平课程,或者被安排在 适当的发展过程或干预,以提高技能和准备 student for success in college-level courses.



  • 在高等学校取得副学士或学士学位;
  • 从私立或独立的高等教育机构或经认证的学校转学 州外高等教育机构并已圆满完成学业者 相应学科领域的大学水平课程,成绩达到D或以上;
  • 作为美国武装部队的一员在服役 作为德克萨斯州国民警卫队的一员,或作为武装部队的预备役成员 the United States;
  • 在1990年8月1日或之后,光荣退伍、退休或退出现役 作为美国武装部队或德克萨斯国民警卫队成员的职责 或在美国武装部队的预备役部队服役;
  • 参加了一年或更少的劳动力证书课程(包括Level 1 Certificates and Occupational Skill Awards); or
  • 就读于高中,并不是一所大学的学位学生 higher education (i.e. a dual credit student who has not filed a degree plan with Collin College and is not required to do so).


College Level Math


如果你通过TSI测试达到了大学数学水平的要求 豁免,你想试着考进更高水平的数学课程,见 following links for possible options: